
Cooch, Tea Party Leaders to Spend Election Night in Arlington

If the election results go their way, the Tea Party will be partying in Arlington on Nov. 2.

The Clarendon-based Leadership Institute, a sort of conservative political training camp, will host “an election night victory party for 350 conservative and Tea Party activists.”

Those activists are expected to include:

  • Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia Attorney General
  • Morton Blackwell, President of the Leadership Institute
  • Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center
  • Jenny Beth Martin and Mark Meckler, Co-Founders and National Coordinators of the Tea Party Patriots
  • Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform
  • Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council

The Leadership Institute is inviting journalists and bloggers to the event, billing it as a “one-stop conservative central” to get reaction to election results from leaders of the conservative movement.

According to a press release, the theme of the party is “Replacing the ruling class with constitutional small government conservatives.”


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