
County Closes on Purchase of Homeless Shelter Building

Arlington County has completed the closing on its purchase of a seven story property at 2020 14th Street N., which will house county offices, storage and a homeless shelter.

The Arlington County Board unanimously approved the $27 million purchase of the building in Courthouse at its meeting on Saturday (November 17). As of today’s closing, the county officially owns the property.

County staff will hold a series of public meetings regarding the acquisition to solicit input on certain physical and operational aspects about the property, including issues regarding the homeless shelter. The first will be held at Key Elementary School (2300 Key Blvd) on December 5, from 7:00-9:30 p.m. The other meetings, also from 7:00-9:30 p.m. at Key Elementary School, are scheduled to take place on December 17 and January 14. The county’s final plans will be presented at the January meeting.

The county will also be accepting input on parts of the project via its virtual town hall meeting website.
