
ARLnow Weekend Discussion

Some snow may fall over the weekend and even though accumulation is unlikely, several events like this weekend’s Fitness + Wellness Festival and Chalkapalooza have been rescheduled or cancelled.

Snow aside, let’s take a look back at ARLnow’s biggest stories over the past week.

  1. Elementary School Principal Dies Unexpectedly
  2. Lyon Park Gun Store Sales Steady Amid Gun Control Debate
  3. The Italian Store’s Vespa Has Been Recovered
  4. Arlington’s Millennials Want To Buy Homes, But It’s Complicated
  5. Updated: Escape Room Opening on Columbia Pike
  6. Istanbul Grill Expected To Replace Ballston Area’s El Ranchero

Feel free to discuss these topics, your weekend plans, or anything else that’s happening locally in the comments below. Have a great weekend!

Photo via Erinn Shirley/Flickr
