
Small Biz Focus: The Secret to Grow Your Business

This column is sponsored by BizLaunch, a division of Arlington Economic Development.

By Tara Palacios

Calling all Arlington, Virginia business owners!

Is your business stuck, and not growing year-to-year? Are you looking for new tools to take your business to the next level? At BizLaunch, we have discovered the secret way to grow your business in 2019 — Scaling4Growth.

BizLaunch, and the Virginia’s Department of Small Business Supplier Diversity division are pleased to announce a free opportunity for Virginia-based businesses to Scale4Growth.

In partnership with Interise and using their StreetWise ‘MBA’, business owners who are selected for this 6-month business co-hort will increase their network, further their business knowledge and enhance their management know-how to grow their established business.

In 2017, 70% of Interise businesses who completed the Streetwise MBA increased their annual revenue by an average of $399,600.

If you are interested in applying for this innovative program, class begins May 23, and will meet every other Thursday through November from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Arlington Economic Development, 1100 N. Glebe Road, 15th Floor, Arlington, Virginia.

According to Tracey G. Wiley, Agency Director of Virginia’s Small Business Supplier Diversity, “Executive education is the key differentiator for businesses experiencing exponential growth… This is the Commonwealth’s investment in partnering to grow small businesses through development opportunities.” All businesses selected for the program will attend with no fees.

Basic requirements for the program include the following:

  • Certified by Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity as a Small, Women or Minority-Owned (SWaM) business (Note: If your business is currently not SWaM certified the SBSD will work with you to receive this certification ahead of class)
  • $250,000-$10,000,000 in annual revenues
  • One other full-time employee besides the owner(s)
  • Been in business for at least 3 years
  • Willingness and ability to attend class for 6 months, complete mandatory assignments and complete program survey’s as requested.

Testimonials from recent alumni of Virginia’s Scaling4Growth can be found here. This is the first time Scaling4Growth is held outside of Richmond, Virginia.

If you are ready to apply today click here!

It is a simple process, and will be a rewarding opportunity for all local businesses interested in taking their firms to the next level. If you have additional questions please contact Kathy Dolan, with Virginia’s SBSD at 804-786-1087.
