
Columbia Pike Summer Movie Series in Jeopardy Due to Coronavirus

The Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization (CPRO) has announced an official lineup of its summer movie series, but whether the event actually happens remains to be seen.

Every year, CPRO hosts a series of outdoor movies where attendees are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets and camp out under the stars to watch a film. Now in its 10th year, the series is scheduled to kick off June 5 with movies shown Fridays at the Arlington Mill Community Center (909 S. Dinwiddie Street) and Saturdays at Penrose Square (2503 9th Road S.).

CPRO is still evaluating whether the show will go on, depending on the trajectory of the coronavirus outbreak.

“As there is still so much uncertainty right now, we have not made any decisions surrounding summer events just yet,” Amanda Lovins, communications and fundraising coordinator for CPRO told ARLnow. “We are continuing to monitor the situation and will be assessing the state of our events in the coming months.”

If the summer movies series does go forward, the Arlington Mill lineup will be:

The Penrose Square lineup is:

Photo via Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization
