It’s a warm end to what started as a cold week.
With summer knocking on the door, there is a sense of both hope and foreboding in the air. We might be getting close to a gradual return to normal life, at last, but what if things go horribly wrong?
Via Twitter, here’s a scene tonight that probably doesn’t portend good things:
And "Gravelly's Point" near @Reagan_Airport is PACKED even though parking was shut down weeks ago.. smh
— Marky Mark (@DCCelebrity) May 16, 2020
Ultimately, there is no crystal ball to tell us how things will turn out — we’ll just have to take it one day at a time, as we’ve been doing for the past two months.
One thing we are able to state with certainty: the most-read articles on ARLnow over the past week.
- Governor Allowing N. Va. to Reopen After Memorial Day
- Arlington Asks for Pause on N. Va. Reopening Amid One-Week Slowdown in New Cases
- APS Preparing for Possibility of Virtual Classes in the Fall
- Six Additional Coronavirus Deaths in Arlington Reported Overnight
- County Board Considers Mask Mandate but Hamstrung by Dillon Rule
- Police Investigating Suspicious Death Near Ballston
- Walk-In COVID-19 Clinic to Open on Columbia Pike Tomorrow
- Zip Code Data Shows Elevated Case Level Along Columbia Pike
- APS Class Sizes Will Increase by One in the Fall
Feel free to discuss those or other topics of local interest in the comments. Have a nice weekend!