
Skip the supply chain and take Loudoun Home for the Holidays

With the holiday season upon us, savvy local shoppers are encouraged to Take Loudoun Home for the Holidays!

Whether it’s a freshly-cut tree or wreathe, artisan gift, craft food or beverage, or one-of-a-kind experience, supporting Loudoun’s farms and small businesses keeps shopping dollars in the local economy, reduces environmental impact, and provides the special people in your life with a unique holiday experience.

Last year, American consumers spent an average of nearly $1,000 on gifts and other holiday items. Shopping locally helps keep dollars in the regional economy, supporting family businesses, job growth and economic recovery from COVID-19. It also connects consumers with the highest quality products.

Shopping from local farms helps to preserve Loudoun’s robust rural tradition and decrease the environmental impacts of shipping. As global supply chain issues dominate the headlines, skip the uncertainty and buy directly from the source.

This holiday season, please think about the businesses that make your life special: the restaurant on the corner, the farm you drive past every day, or your favorite store across town.

To ensure their success in 2022 and the continuation of our economic recovery, please Take Loudoun Home for the Holidays. Learn more at TakeLoudounHome.com.
