
Most-read Arlington stories of the week: April 18-22

“Sheriff” looks around for friends at the dog park at Arlington Gateway Park in Rosslyn (staff photo by Jay Westcott)

Happy Earth Day!

In addition to the Earth Day Every Day Festival this weekend, there are several cleanups and recycling events to get your green points, including at Bon Air Park from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday and on the W&OD Trail from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Now, here are the most-read Arlington articles of the past week.

  1. Several large, public events will prompt road closures in Arlington this weekend
  2. Arlington man builds rest area for weary walkers and cyclists atop steep hill
  3. Balloons caused large power outage in Arlington
  4. Farmbird in Ballston is closed and it’s unclear whether it will reopen
  5. The $15 million ​​Jennie Dean Park renovation is almost complete
  6. UnCommon Luncheonette in Clarendon preparing to open next week, sans dinner
  7. Animal control investigating after crow shot with blow dart in Fairlington
  8. Meet two of Arlington’s first female Eagle Scouts
  9. Another $140,000 is needed for Gunston Bubble project due to ‘unsuitable soil conditions’
  10. Morning Poll: Mask mandate dropped on Metro, flights

Feel free to discuss these stories or anything else of local interest in the comments. Enjoy the weekend, Arlington!
