
Boring Title: Meet the team — Allied Title’s CEO!

This biweekly feature is sponsored by Allied Title & Escrow.

Visionary leaders are at the core of a company’s success. This week we’d love to introduce you to our visionary Co-founder and CEO of Allied Title, Latane Meade!

Latane (pronounced LAT-Nee), started the Allied Vision of being the BEST (not the biggest) in August of 2016 after noticing how so many title companies often made the entire process feel even more CONFUSING and daunting for their clients and customers… he wanted to change that!

Latane lives by the motto: ‘bring fun to life’ and is passionate about turning a once-archaic industry into something that people can better understand and enjoy.

Some fun facts about Latane:

  • He is a JMU Alumni with a double major in Finance and Marketing Information Systems.⁣ Any other dukes in the house?!?
  • Outside of work, he is an avid golfer and some of his friends refer to him as ’79-Watch’.
  • In addition to leading the Allied Family, he also takes pride in spending time with his wife and their 3 kids!

Shoutout to Latane for everything he does for the Allied Team and for bringing our vision to life with over 60 people who are now part of the Allied Family!

Have questions related to title insurance? Email [email protected]. Want to use Allied Title & Escrow when you buy a home? Tell your agent when you buy a house to write in Allied Title & Escrow as your settlement company! 
