
Barbara Favola: Why you should vote for me

State Sen. Barbara Favola (courtesy photo)

Last week, we invited the candidates running in competitive races in the June 20 Democratic primary to write a post about why Arlington residents should vote for them. Find information on how and where to vote here.

Below is the unedited response from Barbara Favola, incumbent for Virginia State Senate – 40th District. Challenger James DeVita did not submit a response prior to publication time.

As your senator, I promised to bolster public education, make health care more affordable, pass climate change policies and make Virginia safer with common-sense gun safety measures.  I have made considerable progress on these promises while honoring the values of equity and inclusiveness.

The most important investment we can make is in public education. I advocated to increase resources to low-income schools, enhance teacher pay, encourage the teaching of our complete history and reinforce the practice of making schools a welcoming place for all students. These successes were achieved in-spite of a prevailing anti-public education narrative and with the help of a Democratic majority in the Senate.

In the area of health care, I was the chief patron on legislation to prohibit surprise medical bills, contain medical debt and expand community-based MH services.  My efforts also resulted in more funding for MH counselors in our schools. I successfully advocated for legislation to prohibit conversion therapy.

As chair of the Senate Women’s Reproductive Health Care Caucus, I fight everyday so all Virginians can make their own health care decisions without the interference of politicians. In this past session, I put Governor Youngkin on the defensive when he opposed my bill to protect menstrual health data.  I am committed to protecting bodily autonomy in Virginia’s constitution.

To honor our commitment to the next generation, I passed a clean energy bill that will challenge Virginia to achieve 100% of its electricity sales from renewable sources by 2045. I serve on the Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee and am a solid vote to protect our environment and keep us in REGGI.

As a member and former Chair of the Virginia Advisory Committee on Sexual and Domestic Violence, I have immersed myself in these important issues and succeeded in passing legislation to remove firearms from those convicted of assault and battery of a household member. I was a co-sponsor of Virginia’s red flag law and co-sponsored other common-sense gun safety measures.

As chair of the Rehabilitation and Social Services Committee. I have overseen major reforms in the operations of our local jails and prison system. My legislation to remove the death penalty from those who were seriously mentally ill at the time the crime was committed laid the groundwork for a repeal of the death penalty.

Additionally, I serve on Senate Rules, Local Government, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and Transportation. I have earned a reputation as a lawmaker “who gets it done”, a compassionate and fair leader, and an individual who has developed relationships across the aisle. These traits enable me to shape major priorities in my role as Democratic Whip.  I have earned endorsements from the Virginia Education Association, LABOR, the VA Sierra Club, Emily’s List, VA NOW, a “Candidate of Distinction” notice from Moms Demand Action and many other groups.

I have always fought for a Commonwealth that encourages a shared prosperity and celebrates our diversity.  My knowledge and experience as an Arlington County Board member combined with my 12 years in the Senate gives me an insight into Arlington’s values that no other candidate can match.  I respectfully ask for your vote in the June 20 Democratic primary.


Barbara Favola (D)
