
Jose Quiroz: Why you should vote for me

Jose Quiroz, who took over as interim Arlington County Sheriff after Beth Arthur retired (via Jose Quiroz for Arlington)

Last week, we invited the candidates running in competitive races in the June 20 Democratic primary to write a post about why Arlington residents should vote for them. Find information on how and where to vote here.

Below is the unedited response from Jose Quiroz, candidate for Arlington County Sheriff.

It has been my honor to serve as Arlington’s Sheriff since January 2023. Following Sheriff Beth Arthur’s retirement I became Arlington County’s first Latino Sheriff. As the son of Honduran immigrants, I am thankful that my family worked hard to build a life for us in Arlington and to have the opportunity to grow up and serve here.

Serving my community has always been very important to me. After being honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps after four years of service, I continued my service with the Arlington County Sheriff’s Office. Starting my career as a deputy sheriff working in the detention facility, I grew up in the Sheriff’s office working in every division and being promoted through the ranks to eventually be named Chief Deputy in 2022. Over the past 21 years in the Sheriff’s Office, I have built relationships with my staff, with county leadership and with community organizations and members.

Immediately after assuming office, I began working to improve safety in the jail and promote rehabilitation of people in our care. I am working with the County to shift the jail medical services from an outside vendor to in-house staff to bring more accountability. I am in the process of integrating biometric sensors into the jail’s medical unit, an evidence-based tool to help prevent deaths in jails by providing real-time information so staff can respond quickly if a person is experiencing a medical crisis. I am also working to strengthen relationships with community and organizations and DHS to provide better mental health care in the jail by supporting the 14 mental health staffers who work with my office.

I believe in rehabilitation and that a mistake should not follow a person forever. When someone makes a mistake, is held accountable, and is provided the appropriate support to grow from that mistake they are able to grow and become better versions of themselves. This is why I am continuing to work with community partners to bring back proven rehabilitation efforts–such as the robust volunteer-led programs that existed prior to the pandemic–and explore new solutions for rehabilitation and successful integration. It is also why I am committed to making communication free for inmates because maintaining connections with loved ones is very important to the people in the jail.

In recent months, I have taken significant steps to improve engagement with the community. I hired the office’s first ever Public Information Officer, who will help inform the public of what is happening in my office and the detention facility. I am working on creating a dashboard and newsletter that will update the public on our daily work and on our data collections, as well as updating our website. I will continue to invest in crime prevention programs in the county with public schools and local organizations.

As a leader, I am responsible for the wellbeing of my staff and am investing in their future leadership. From providing them enhanced skills training to ensure that they are providing inmates the best care to supporting staff mental health and wellness, investing in our staff will improve safety. I am proud that the Arlington County Sheriff’s Office has a long history of being one of the most diverse county offices and am committed to continuing that tradition by actively recruiting staff from diverse places, encouraging current employees to help recruit new staff members, and creating an internal Diversity, Equity and Inclusion unit to make sure that we are living our values.

I have been a successful servant leader and advocate for my community. Having received endorsements from various leaders and elected officials in Arlington, as well as the Moms Demand Action Gun Sense candidate distinction, I have proved my experience and gained the trust of my staff and community. I look forward to earning your vote this Democratic Primary. Please visit joseforsheriff.us to learn more!
