
Arts Focus: Put the “I” Into C_VIC on view at George Mason University

This column is sponsored by Arlington Arts/Arlington Cultural Affairs, a division of Arlington Economic Development.

The temporary public artwork Put the “I” into C_vic was reactivated for this past weekend’s Arlington Art Walk, as highlighted on WTTG Fox 5. The work will remain on display at various locations around George Mason University’s Arlington campus throughout the fall, marking a new journey for the artwork.

With the “I” purposely missing, participants are invited to pose for a photo standing in the artwork to Put the “I” into C_vic and to share what “civic” means to them.

Created by artist Linda Hesh, the work was commissioned through Arlington Arts in 2016 as part of Courthouse 2.0: Reimagining the Civic. The public art initiative was aimed at sparking public conversation exploring the interaction between civic space and civic life in Arlington in the twenty-first century, and to consider their individual role in civic life.

During it’s successful two-year run, Put the “I” Into C_vic enjoyed activations throughout Arlington, and made an appearance at the “By the People Festival” at the Smithsonian Institution’s Arts and Industries Building in June, 2018. Documentation of comments by past participants was captured for posterity at reimaginecivic.com.

Look for this unique work of art the next time you’re on the GMU campus!
