
Juan Carlos Fierro: Why you should vote for me

Republican candidate for County Board Juan Carlos Fierro (staff photo by James Jarvis)

This week, we invited the candidates running in competitive races in the Nov. 7 General Election to write a post about why Arlington residents should vote for them. Find information on how and where to vote here.

Below is the unedited response from Juan Carlos Fierro, who is running for the Arlington County Board as a Republican.

My name is Juan Carlos Fierro. I’m a husband, a father, a 26-year resident of Arlington, and a proud American. I am running for Arlington County Board because I care about our community, and I believe voters deserve a choice in this election.

I was born in Ecuador and raised by my grandparents before moving to Northern Virginia. I earned my undergraduate degree at George Mason University where I also played Division I basketball. For the last 25 years, I have worked as an entrepreneur and financial advisor — to help my clients achieve their American Dream. And in 2000, I proudly became an American citizen. I married my wife Inmaculada in 2005. We have three daughters — Carolina, Isabel Teresa, and Rebecca — and an adorable Shih Tzu named Olivia.

Through my church and community service projects I am deeply aware of the need to help Arlingtonians who are not blessed with stable homes, and resources to provide food for their families. The issues in this election are non-partisan issues that affect the community: Affordable housing, the rising crime rates, and the pending tax increases because of the failure to address the consequences of densification initiatives. These issues cut across party lines. Regardless of political affiliation, many are disenchanted and disappointed with the political status quo in our community given how the existing board does not truly value public engagement.

On ‘Missing Middle,’ our elected leaders ignored the will of a majority of Arlingtonians by ramrodding a densification initiative that jeopardizes Affordable Housing, and puts excess strain on our existing infrastructure, If elected, I will challenge staff policy proposals that call for more densification that does not adequately reflect the impact of proposed developments and causes land prices to increase with negative impacts on Hispanic and other minority communities.

On the issue of crime and community safety, our elected leaders don’t seem to care. I support common sense, data-driven policies to address the increase in violent crime and property crime across Arlington. I support fully investing in the Arlington County Police Department’s effort to recruit and retain qualified, professional staff, including incentives for incoming officers and retention incentives to keep veteran staff on the force.

Many of our crime problems stem from mental health issues in a post COVD environment. I will fight for the provision of mental health services as part of efforts to reduce the crime rates.

When it comes to the “Arlington Way” –a process our elected leaders claim to support but disregard when it’s politically convenient — I will fight to ensure everyone has a voice in local government. If elected, I will be a voice for the tens of thousands of you — irrespective of party affiliation — who are ignored and dismissed by our political leaders.

And on fiscal matters, I promise to roll up my sleeves and dig into the county budget, prioritizing necessary county services while questioning waste and unnecessary expenses. Unless something is done quickly, homeowners will be hit with a rate hike — costing Arlington families hundreds more dollars each year as recently admitted by retiring Board Chair Christian Dorsey.

Single-party rule benefits only a select few in our community. Tens of thousands of Democrats, independents, and Republicans are left out of the process and disregarded by the current members of the County Board.

Regardless of your party affiliation, my door will be open to you as we seek to make Arlington a better place. It would be an honor to channel my dedication to community service on the County Board, and I am personally asking you for your consideration and your vote.


Juan Carlos Fierro

Read more at www.votefierro.com
