
ARLnow Weekend Discussion

The weather is set to be downright perfect this weekend, so get yourself outside ASAP.

The forecast calls for these balmy, delightfully un-humid conditions to last through Sunday, so enjoy it while you can. Perhaps it’ll be fine weather for a bike ride, or any of the other events going on around the county this weekend.

But should you find yourself online, somehow, check out our most popular stories of the past week:

  1. Police: Bikers Steal from Rosslyn Gas Station, Assault Employee
  2. ‘Something from Nothing’: Stories of Punk in Arlington
  3. Glebe Elementary PTA Claims Auction Vendor Won’t Turn Over $88,000
  4. Workers Start Cutting Down Large Dawn Redwood Tree in Williamsburg
  5. Arlington National Cemetery Expansion Plans Moving Ahead

Head on down to the comments to discuss these stories, or anything else local. Enjoy the weekend!

Flickr pool photo via Erinn Shirley
