
ARLnow Weekend Discussion

(Updated 04/21/19) Well it’s Friday, which means the holiday festivities are officially upon us!

If you’re looking for places to celebrate Easter, Passover Seder, or any Earth Day-themed events we have you covered.

Speaking of covered, the National Weather Service says to expect storms, potentially including severe storms and maybe even an isolated tornado, with heavy rain through the night.

This could be bad news considering the county announced that ground water levels are already 5 feet higher than they were two years ago. For more on that, as well as some tips on keeping your home water-free, check out the article yours truly wrote earlier this week.

After you’re done battening down the hatches, feel free to get swept away by some of our top stories from the past week:

  1. Closing Time: The Last Days of Mister Days
  2. More Housing Proposed for Ballston Harris Teeter Redevelopment
  3. Ragtime and Rhodeside Rrill Owner Wilson Whitney Dies
  4. Pupatella Coming to South Arlington
  5. Mac and Cheese Festival Coming to Ballston

What’s your favorite rainy-day story, or movie? Let us know, and tell us what you think of our articles in the comments below.
