Arlington County Treasurer Carla de la Pava was sworn in as the President of the Treasurers’ Association of Virginia (TAV) at the association’s annual conference in Arlington. “I am humbled and honored to take on this mantle, and I will work hard to lead the TAV in the important work we do for the Commonwealth,” said de la Pava. Former Arlington County Treasurer and TAV President 1991-92, Francis X. O’Leary, swore in de la Pava.
De la Pava was elected Treasurer of Arlington County in 2014. Prior to being elected
Treasurer, she served as Chief Deputy Treasurer for six years. She is the first female and
first Hispanic to be elected Treasurer in Arlington. One measure of a Treasurer’s Office’s
effectiveness is the tax delinquency rate, which in Arlington in 2018 was an all-time low of
0.187% percent and is recognized as the lowest in Virginia.
About the Treasurer’s Office
Arlington County’s Treasurer’s Office collects state and local taxes and other revenues,
invests and safeguards the funds, and disburses those funds as directed by the County
Board. Its mission is spelled out under State Code. To learn more, and find answers to
frequently asked questions, visit the Treasurer’s website.
Background on the Treasurers’ Association of Virginia
The mission of the state Treasurers’ Association is to enhance professionalism and fiscal
leadership among treasurers and their staff through education, networking, and performance