
Future of Affordable Apartment Complex Near Shirlington to Be Discussed

A new push to redevelop the market-rate affordable Park Shirlington apartment complex in Fairlington will be the topic of a public meeting tonight.

Officials are holding a meeting Wednesday night on the future of the apartment complex at 4510 31st Street S., which has long been slated for redevelopment.

“Learn about the history and County goals of the site, proposed conceptual plans and how the review process will work,” event organizers wrote in a description of tonight’s meeting.

The 293-unit development is currently made up of low-rise apartment buildings built in 1956. Three years ago, the county lent $6 million to developer Standard Property Company and the National Foundation for Affordable Housing Solutions, which pledged to preserve the affordable housing units as the site awaited redevelopment.

The county’s loan expires in December 2020, after which the developers plan to build a mix of “a long-term affordable and mixed-income housing program” on the property, per the county’s website.

Tonight’s meeting will be held nearby at the Trades Center, in the Park Operations Building at 2700 S. Taylor Street, from 6:30-9 p.m. Attending the public meeting is free, but people are asked to RSVP online.

In the event description, officials noted that Spanish translations will be available during the meeting.

Previously, developer Home Properties planned to demolish the existing apartments, replacing them with five mid-rise buildings housing a combined 750 apartments. The project would have required special permission by county officials to exceed the allotted density for the lot, but the developer’s plans ultimately stalled.

The new developers have not yet submitted a site plan, per county records.
