
Boring Title: Allied Title & Escrow Has Opened Two New Offices in the DMV

Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

Happy December, everyone!

For this week’s edition of Boring Title, we have some great news for you. Allied Title & Escrow has opened two new offices in the DMV. 

  • Ashburn, Virginia: 10130 Lakeview Center Plaza, Suite 400
  • Chevy Chase, Maryland: 4500 N Park Ave NW, Suite 804-N

Please continue to schedule all upcoming settlements at whichever office location is the most convenient: 

And, we offer closings at Topgolf Loudoun. Request to have your closing at Topgolf, and your round is on us!

Have questions related to title insurance? Email Latane and Matt at [email protected]. Want to use Allied Title & Escrow when you buy a home? Tell your agent when you buy a house to write in Allied Title & Escrow as your settlement company! 
