
Sophia Moshasha: Why you should vote for me

Sophia Moshasha (via Sophia 4 VA)

This week, we invited the candidates running in competitive races in the Nov. 7 General Election to write a post about why Arlington residents should vote for them. Find information on how and where to vote here.

Below is the unedited response from Sophia Moshasha, who is running for the 39th Virginia State Senate District as a Republican.

As a Virginia native, and having been a proud resident of District 39 for many years, I am deeply committed to the well-being of our community. My background in technology has given me a unique perspective on how to tackle our current economic challenges and pave the way for future success. I am dedicated to utilizing this experience to drive meaningful change and ensure that our district not only thrives but remains a model of inclusive and responsive governance.

With a firm belief in the power of collaboration, I aim to bridge the gap between our community and our government, ensuring that every voice is not only heard but also considered in the decision-making process. I strongly believe in utilizing technology to make civic engagement easier and more accessible for all residents. By embracing innovative tools and methods, I am determined to create a more transparent and inclusive political environment for our district where all opinions are welcomed. My endorsement by the bi-partisan Forward Party speaks to my commitment to collaboration, as well as my more moderate platform that would better represent all of District 39’s diverse constituents.

As someone who deeply values family and community, I am troubled by the lack of representation and comprehensive solutions that truly address our district’s needs. My opponent has been in office for almost two decades, yet there remains a disconnect between the priorities of the constituents and the decisions being made. It is time for a fresh perspective, one that not only advocates for change but also delivers tangible results for every member of our community. My platform includes respect for parents’ inclusion in matters regarding their children’s health, well-being and education, and a moderate view supporting women’s right to decide on pregnancy termination within reasonable timeframes, subject to certain exceptions relating. Unfortunately, my opponent doesn’t exhibit compassion or moderacy and supports abortion until the moment of birth.

Drawing from my experiences, I promise to prioritize three crucial areas: education, economy, and community safety. I am dedicated to amplifying our educational system by ensuring adequate resources for our schools and promoting programs that prepare our students for the demands of the future. Additionally, I will work tirelessly to create a business-friendly environment that attracts investments and opportunities to our district while empowering our workforce through robust development and employment initiatives. My platform includes keeping our business-friendly Right-to-Work laws in order to keep and attract jobs for Virginia residents.

My endorsement by the Motorist Coalition speaks to my commitment to make commuting more affordable in Northern Virginia by eliminating the car tax, lowering tolls and stopping predatory ticketing and towing.

Please take a moment to read my platform about my goals to help our community live the quality life they deserve! I thank everyone for their continued support and hope to have your vote for a representative who truly cares about the opinions and needs of all residents in District 39!
