
David Henshaw: Why you should vote for me

David Henshaw (courtesy David Henshaw)

This week, we invited the candidates running in competitive races in the Nov. 7 General Election to write a post about why Arlington residents should vote for them. Find information on how and where to vote here.

Below is the unedited response from David Henshaw, who is running for the 40th Virginia State Senate District as a Republican. His opponent, Democratic incumbent Barbara Favola, did not submit an essay. 

My name is David Henshaw. I’m a Christian, husband, and father of two girls. I was privileged to serve our country as an Air Force pilot for over 24 years, and I remain passionate about fighting for our individual freedom and liberty. If elected to the State Senate, I promise to serve our community and ensure Arlington remains a great place to live.

My top priority is to protect the sanctity of the family by expanding the law to protect parent’s rights in our public schools. I believe parents know what is best for their children and should be at the head of the table. My opponent, Senator Favola, voted to allow students to hide gender dysphoria from their parents and against requiring parental review of sexually explicit material. Notification is required to go on a field trip or provide an aspirin — shouldn’t parents be notified about a major issue like dysphoria?

I also disagree with Senator Favola on whether male students should compete in female sports and use female locker rooms. While we should show compassion and protect transgender students from bullying and harassment, we need to do it in a way that is fair and safe. Males should not compete against girls — it’s not fair; and they should not use female locker rooms — it’s not safe.

Our schools were one of the last in the country to re-open after COVID, driving a tangible loss of learning that is reflected in the lowest 4th and 8th grade math and reading scores in over 20 years. I would provide parents a choice in their children’s education by offering Education Savings Accounts that enable them to use a portion of their tax money to invest in non-public options. I would also fund at least one school in each district with a year-round option, and expand the number of charter schools.

I support free-market policies while my opponent is for bigger government and higher taxes, despite inflation that is out of control and outpacing wage growth. Arlingtonians are tired of high gas prices and grocery bills that are up 27% since 2020. I would lower the corporate tax rate, lower the personal tax rates, and remove excessive regulation. I’d also tie the tax brackets to inflation — they haven’t changed since 1990 — and add brackets to ease the burden on the lower and middle class.

I’d also repeal both the Clean Car law and the Clean Economy Act. Both hurt the lower and middle class while providing miniscule benefit to the environment. Studies indicate that electric cars cost approximately $10,000 more than gas cars, and energy costs will increase $800/month for the average family under these laws.

Crime is up in Arlington every year since the 2020 “Defund the Police” campaign and legislation that my opponent supported. Several Arlingtonians tell me they no longer feel safe to walk alone in their neighborhoods. Crime was up 18% in the latest 2022 report, and the Arlington police chief indicated he’s short 100 law enforcement officers. We must recruit and hire more law enforcement heroes and fully fund our departments.

My goal was to present you with a clear distinction between my policy positions and those of my opponent. I hope you find my views commonsense and pragmatic, and respectfully request your vote on Nov 7th. Together we can make Virginia a beacon of success for the entire country and a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

David Henshaw (R)
