Car owners in D.C. have enough to worry about, wasting your time in traffic just for a service appointment shouldn’t be one of those things. As temperatures drop and wild weather is predicted, it’s important to stay ahead of basic maintenance on your car.
Roda knows that taking care of your car can and should be simpler.
We pick-up, we service, we return. This is how it works, but first-time clients often include already baked-in requests when they book their first appointment (or sign-up to reserve their Cyber Monday VIP offer.) Questions like:
- “Can you text me when you arrive?” Communication is first and foremost in the valet car care world. Customers receive booking confirmations both via email and by text, including tracking service when a valet is dispatched to pick-up (and return locations.)
- “How much? This sounds expensive.” There is no upcharge for valet, even if you decline services. You can also drop your car off at our flagship service center in Rockville. Roda offers flat pricing on basics like oil changes, with complete digital estimates and line-by-line approval of all costs before the work is done.
- “Do I have to stay at the same location for pick-up and return?” No! Pick-up and return locations can be different. Getting work done at home in the morning, then running errands that afternoon in another part of town? All you have to do is say so. Valet service means they meet you where you are.
Check your battery, top-off fluids, and more with ease. Their Winter Special offers a $225 detail, wiper replacement, fluid top-off, comprehensive safety inspection PLUS 10% off services added to same visit.