
Ballston Building Seeks Permission for Lighted Sign

The Ballston Point office building at the corner of Wilson Blvd and Glebe Rd wants to add a lighted sign along its roofline. The County Board is scheduled to look at whether to grant a permit for the sign at its meeting on Saturday.

AES Corp. requested the permit to put a 63-square-foot lighted sign on the eleventh floor of the cylindrical tower portion of the building. It would consist of the company’s logo, along with the letters “AES.”

The sign will not directly face any residences and there have been no complaints from nearby neighborhood associations. Reviewers found the request to be in accordance with the county’s current sign regulations and proposed changes to the regulations, and recommend approval of the permit.

The applicant agreed to only have the sign lit up from 8:00 a.m. to midnight each day, and to install a sensor that automatically adjusts the sign’s intensity based on the time of day.
