Fees could soon be going up on bocce players, race runners and adult sports competitors in Arlington.
Along with advertising a property tax increase, the Arlington County Board on Saturday voted to advertise new parks and police fees. Among them:
- New $100 per team adult sports league surcharge, to go to county’s Field Fund
- New $10/hour bocce court rental fee
- Tennis rental fee increase from $5 to $10/hour
- Baseball and multi-use field rental fee increase of $5/hour. New rates range from $35 to $130/hour
- Trail event permit fee increase from $50 to $150 (impacts trail races)
- Police special event per-officer special event fee increase from $50 to $60/hour (impacts road races, etc.)
- Enjoy Arlington non-resident fee increase from $10 to $20/class
If included in the final FY 2014 budget, the county expects the parks fee increases to generate an additional $158,188 in revenue, and the police fee increase to generate an additional $110,000.