Around Town

Some “Superblock” Construction May Wrap Up by Year’s End

Some of the ongoing construction on the Courthouse “superblock” along Wilson Blvd and Clarendon Blvd, from N. Courthouse Road to N. Rhodes Street, may begin wrapping up by the end of this year.

Barring any major setbacks or weather delays, the proposed completion date for the development at 1900 Wilson — referred to as 19Nineteen Clarendon — currently stands at December of this year. It had previously been expected to open this summer. Construction on the neighboring 2001 Clarendon — which is considered a joint project with 19Nineteen Clarendon — is expected to finish in the spring of 2014. 19Nineteen Clarendon is managed by Harkins Construction and 2001 Clarendon Blvd (sometimes called Washington View) is managed by S.E. Foster.

The developments will be separated by the yet to be built extension of Troy Street. According to Arlington’s Department of Environmental Services (DES), it appears Harkins may be working with S.E. Foster to transfer the required completion of Troy Street to S.E. Foster. That would allow S.E. Foster to complete the final street paving once construction on its building finishes next year.

When completed, 19Nineteen Clarendon will be a 200 unit luxury apartment complex. It occupies the space where an office building and Hollywood Video once stood. 2001 Clarendon Blvd took over the space once belonging to a Taco Bell and Dr. Dremo’s Taphouse, and will be a seven story, 154 unit residential building with more than 30,000 square feet of ground floor retail.

DES and the county’s Community Planning and Housing Division both report that thus far there have been no issues with the development process for the project.
