
Arlington Green Party endorse Audrey Clement, support Metro and Sewage Plant bonds

Arlington Green Party endorsements for November 2022 Arlington election

VOTE FOR Audrey Clement for Arlington County Board

Support Metro and Street Bond ($53 million)

Support Sewage Plant and Drinking Water Bond ($177 million)

Oppose School Bond ($165 million)

Oppose Courthouse Buildings Bond ($53 million)

Oppose Recreation Facilities Bond ($22 million)

Oppose Storm Water Infrastructure Bond ($40 million)

Arlington Greens support independent candidate Audrey Clement for Arlington County board because she will stand up to   developers, bring an independent voice to the county board, and oppose middle missing up-zoning leading to environmental damage in Arlington.

Arlington Greens support the Metro and streets bond for $53 million on the November ballot, and the $177 million bond to upgrade the sewage treatment plant and drinking water system.   Greens oppose the $165 million school bond for an unneeded new high school; the $53 million bond for new or remodeled courthouse buildings; the $22 million bond for unneeded recreation facilities; and the storm water $40 million bond for gray infrastructure that does not promote green infrastructure like trees and keeping green permeable surfaces.