
Local Therapist’s 5 Steps to Ease Conflict + Reconnect this Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we thought we’d share 5 Steps to Ease Conflict & Reconnect this Valentines, from Stacey Cali, M.A., Resident in Counseling:

  1. Do “Small Things Often”: Don’t wait for “Date Night”. Use more eye contact, really listen and show genuine curiosity daily.

  2. Really Talk: Weave more meaningful topics into your conversations. Get ideas from “8 Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love” by married Psychologists John and Julie Gottman & “How to Know a Person” by David Brooks.

  3. Learn Your “Love Languages”: It’s fun for both of you!

  4. “Mend & End”: Practice “Mending” — loving humor, finding common ground, really hearing each other and showing appreciation — now, so when conflict arises, it’s less painful. At an impasse? Take a break & check in later.

  5. “What’s Going Well”: Reflect each day on “What’s working?”

Stacey Cali, M.A., Resident in Counseling, currently has openings for new clients. Book a free 20-minute therapy consult today: