Deaton Painting, based in Silver Spring, Maryland, has established itself as a premier house painting company, delivering exceptional quality and unparalleled service. With years of experience in the industry, Deaton Painting has honed its craft, ensuring every project is completed to the highest standard, leaving homes transformed and customers delighted.

Specializing in both interior and exterior painting as well as cabinet painting, Deaton Painting employs a team of highly skilled and dedicated professionals who are passionate about their work. Each member of the team is trained in the latest painting techniques and uses only top-tier paint products, ensuring a long-lasting and flawless finish. The company prides itself on its attention to detail, meticulous preparation work, and its ability to deliver on time and within budget.

Deaton Painting understands that each home is unique, and they work closely with homeowners to tailor their services to meet specific needs and preferences. Whether it’s choosing the perfect shade or deciding on the right finish, the team at Deaton Painting is there to provide expert advice and guidance.

For those in Washington DC, Maryland, or Virginia looking for a reliable, professional, and skilled house painting company, Deaton Painting is the clear choice. Call them today at 240-220-9567 or visit their website. Mention this post to get 10% off your next project!

Title insurance is boring, but Allied Title & Escrow is here to decode the jargon and make it (somewhat) more interesting. This biweekly feature will explore the mundane (but very necessary!) world of title insurance while sharing interesting stories of two friends’ entrepreneurial careers.

For this week’s edition of Boring Title, we wanted to provide you with an update on how COVID-19 has affected the real estate market in the DC area.

Click here to read more.

Have questions related to title insurance? Email Latane and Matt at [email protected]. Want to use Allied Title & Escrow when you buy a home? Tell your agent when you buy a house to write in Allied Title & Escrow as your settlement company!

This is a sponsored column by attorneys John Berry and Kimberly Berry of Berry & Berry, PLLC, an employment and labor law firm located in Northern Virginia that specializes in federal employee, security clearance, retirement and private sector employee matters.

By Kimberly Berry

Our law firm handles many different types of federal retirement issues in our representation of federal employees.

One of the more common types of retirement cases that we often handle involves the representation of federal employees in the disability retirement process before various federal agencies and the Office of Personnel Management.

Federal employees filing for disability retirement are typically covered under the Federal Employees Retirement System or the Civil Service Retirement System.

Federal employees should consider the following questions before they pursue OPM disability retirement:

How serious are the federal employee’s medical issues and are they linked to the federal employee’s position description duties?

When making a disability retirement decision, keep in mind that OPM evaluates your continued ability to work with your medical condition in the context of the duties described in your position description. If the medical disability is not deemed serious enough, or not fully supported by medical documentation and evidence, and is not sufficiently linked to your inability to “usefully and efficiently” carry out your job duties, then OPM may deny the disability retirement application.

How long is the medical disability realistically expected to last?

OPM requires that a medical disability be expected to last at least one year in duration. When considering whether to file for disability retirement, it is important for you to consider the expected duration of your medical disability. Disabilities with known shorter duration could be problematic for you in the application process.

Can a federal employee survive on a reduced annuity?

If you are considering filing for OPM disability retirement, understand that this type of retirement usually provides you with a lower monthly retirement annuity in comparison to full retirement. As a result, we recommend that you obtain benefit estimates from your human resources representative and consult with a financial advisor about the impact of a potential reduced annuity prior to filing for disability retirement.

Are there modifications to a federal employee’s current position that can be made to allow the federal employee to continue to work?

Oftentimes a federal agency will work with you to provide you with a reasonable accommodation (i.e., change in duties, hours, telework or other adjustments) that can make your current position and medical condition workable. This can often be the best solution, even if it is only a short-term solution.

As a part of the disability retirement process, the federal agency is required to certify that it is unable to accommodate your disabling medical condition in your present position. The agency must also certify that it has considered you “for any vacant position in the same agency, at the same grade or pay level, and within the same commuting area, for which [you] qualified for reassignment.”

Do your medical professionals believe that you should not continue in your current position?

This is an important consideration when filing for disability retirement. In most cases, physicians will be open with their patients about whether it is a good idea to keep working in their current federal employment position.

There are at least two reasons to discuss a possible filing for OPM disability retirement with your treating medical provider(s). First, your health should be of primary importance and a consideration when determining whether continuing in a job hinders or impedes your recovery. Second, physicians and their medical opinions are necessary and, in fact, crucial in the disability retirement application process with OPM.

OPM will require a physician’s statement about your medical issues, and the physician’s statement can either make or break the outcome of your disability retirement application.

When considering OPM disability retirement, it is important to obtain the advice and representation of legal counsel. You can contact our law firm through,, or by telephone at (703) 668-0070, to schedule a consultation to discuss your individual federal employment retirement matter. Please also visit and like us on Facebook or Twitter.

Bash Boxing has gained Washington Capitals player Tom Wilson as an investor.

The Capitals right winger isn’t shy about throwing a punch on the ice. But it’s not only the boxing that drew Wilson to invest in the studio, which is open in Rosslyn and coming soon to Ballston. As Wilson found while giving Bash a try, the non-contact boxing-oriented workouts are intense, fun and always leave you feeling reinvigorated.

Bash offers two of today’s hottest workouts — boxing and high-intensity interval training. Taught by the area’s best fitness experts, participants learn boxing basics at the beginning of each class. The 45-minute workouts combine boxing moves, water-filled training bags, weights and other interval training along with concert-style music to hit to.

While Bash teaches you how to throw a punch, it’s the “good feeling” and confidence you build by the end of each workout that co-owner Alex Trakas wanted to spread — and that drew in Tom Wilson and his investment.

Though Wilson wasn’t actively looking for business opportunities, he decided now was a good time to put down some roots and get involved in local businesses.

Want to see what Bash is all about. Visit its website, check out its Instagram or go ahead and book a bag now.