Tuesday night cooking classes are on hold at the Clarendon Whole Foods (2700 Wilson Blvd) while the store looks for a new chef.

Chef Michael Kiss, who has been profiled in local blogs and on local TV, left the store for a position at a Whole Foods in Rockville, Md.

The Clarendon store is now searching for Kiss’ replacement.

Photo courtesy Stacey Viera

The Whole Foods Market in Clarendon (2700 Wilson Blvd) is gearing up for another year of free cooking classes with in-house chef Michael Kiss.

On the menu for January are two vegetarian classes and a how-to for curried lamb. The classes are held from 7:00 to 7:45 p.m. on Tuesdays.

Seating is limited. Interested cooks are asked to reserve a spot by emailing michael.kiss[at]wholefoods.com with the subject line “Cooking Class.”

See the list of January classes after the jump.

Flickr pool photo by Erin Johnson


Every year around this time, fire departments around the country take to the airwaves to remind the public that turkey fryers are incredibly dangerous and will probably catch your house on fire if you ever use one.

If you’re still using a turkey fryer at this point, really, you’re either a professional cook or an amateur daredevil.

Nonetheless, the Arlington County Fire Department has asked us to pass this video and a few turkey fryer safety tips along, just in case you’re the kind of person who likes your Thanksgiving dinner cooked in the same manner as your french fries.


Via Every Food Fits, we learn that Michael Kiss, resident chef at the Clarendon Whole Foods, will be teaching a class on whole grain salads tonight. What are whole grain salads? Well…

We all know that we need to incorporate more whole grains into our diets, although in practice it can be overwhelming and frustrating. Chef Kiss will showcase light and flavorful vegetarian salads, great for summer entertaining at patio dinners and picnics!

The class will start at 7:00 and run 30-50 minutes. It’s free and you don’t have to RSVP, but arriving early is recommended.

Whole Foods’ free cooking lessons are a weekly event. See some of the upcoming classes here.