The Arlington County Police Department has ramped up efforts to curb public intoxication and other illegal behavior near a Green Valley elementary school.

Despite these efforts, however, some of that behavior persists, according to some community members and ARLnow’s observations.

Police, true to their word, have increased foot patrols and community engagement in Drew Park and John Robinson, Jr. Town Square after the neighborhood heard shots fired and witnessed a shooting over one week in December. During an Arlington County Board meeting on Tuesday, County Manager Mark Schwartz said that authorities have “seen a difference in some of the behaviors,” including drinking in public, in the area near Dr. Charles R. Drew Elementary School, and announced other forthcoming measures to curb this activity.

County Board member Matt de Ferranti applauded police on three arrests in connection with the incidents, along with outreach such as conducting security surveys and hosting a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus.

“The residents who have sat there and said, ‘We want results’ — you have pulled through and so has ACPD,” de Ferranti said.

Around 1 p.m. Friday, however, at least one person on a sidewalk within eyesight of Drew Elementary was visibly drunk. He had an empty beer bottle in his hand and was dancing energetically to music.

From reiterating demands for public restrooms to calling for more investment in area businesses, some community members said Green Valley has a long way to go.

“I will say, the county has been very empathetic to the situation,” said Yordanos Woldai, co-founder of the public safety advocacy group Green Valley Matters. “But I want to judge by the action.”

Striking the right enforcement balance

Among the complexities of intervening in Green Valley is how to do so while being sensitive to the area’s strong hangout culture. The drunk person was dancing next to several other people who sat in lawn chairs outside The Shelton, an affordable housing building, who did not confront him.

  • A middle-aged woman enjoying the warm weather was dismissive when asked whether she has seen any changes in how the county approaches her neighborhood.
  • “Nope,” she said. “I’m keeping it real with you right now. All they do is talk.”
  • The woman, who declined to give her name, called the town square’s lack of restrooms, shade and functional water fountains “disrespectful” and scoffed at the suggestion that police have redoubled efforts to keep her community safe.

“If it wasn’t for these older guys that they complain about out here? They look out for us,” she said.

For Schwartz, the focus on Green Valley goes beyond the public nuisance crimes to more serious offenses. The neighborhood is among the “top three or four” in Arlington for firearms offenses and is in the top 12 neighborhoods for a category of offenses that includes weapon law violations, theft, assault and homicide, he noted.

“I’m not going to sit here and tell you that all civic associations are created equal. Some are in more urban areas; some are in less urban areas,” Schwartz said. “But the reason we’re focusing on Green Valley has to do with firearms crimes.”

One approach will be to improve tracking and public reporting of crimes at the neighborhood level. Schwartz announced last week that a new dashboard displaying crime numbers, broken down by civic association, should go live in the near future.


End of police chase in I-395 linked to Virginia ABC store robbery (photo courtesy Alan Henney)

A pair of women from D.C. are facing charges after an alleged liquor store robbery and car chase.

The robbery was reported around 2 p.m. on N. Fillmore Street in Clarendon. The chase ended around 2:30 p.m. on northbound I-395, temporarily blocking the highway.

The suspects may also be linked to other robberies of Virginia ABC stores in Northern Virginia, according to public safety watchers on social media.

More on the incident, below, from today’s Arlington County Police Department crime report.

ROBBERY, 2024-01200094, 1000 block of N. Fillmore Street. At approximately 2:00 p.m. on January 20, police were dispatched to the report of a robbery. Upon arrival, it was determined two female suspects entered the business and collected merchandise. Suspect One allegedly made threatening statements towards an employee and exited the store followed by Suspect Two. The suspects fled the scene in a black sedan and a lookout was broadcast. At approximately 2:25 p.m., officers observed the suspect vehicle travelling in the 2900 block of S. Glebe Road and attempted a traffic stop during which the driver failed to stop and fled the scene. Officers initiated a vehicle pursuit and took the suspects into custody after their vehicle experienced a flat tire and came to a stop on northbound I-395 in the area of Washington Boulevard. One suspect was evaluated on scene for minor injuries and did not require transport. One hit and run by the suspect vehicle was reported resulting in minor property damage and no injuries. Two police cruisers sustained minor damage and no officers reported injuries. The stolen merchandise was recovered from the suspect vehicle. [The suspect], 23, of Washington, DC, was arrested and charged with Robbery and Eluding. [The suspect], 22, of Washington, DC, was arrested and charged with Petit Larceny. The investigation is ongoing.

Also in today’s crime report, police are investigating an armed robbery Saturday morning in the Courthouse area.

ROBBERY, 2024-01200075, 2300 block of Wilson Boulevard. At approximately 11:31 a.m. on January 20, police were dispatched to the report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival, it was determined the male suspect was inside a business when he approached the counter and brandished a firearm. He then went behind the counter and stole merchandise before demanding cash from the register. He subsequently exited the store with an undisclosed amount of cash and fled the scene on foot. No injuries were reported. Responding officers canvassed the area for the suspect yielding negative results. The suspect is described as a Black male, approximately 35-50 years old, 5’7”-5’11”, wearing a blue sweatshirt, black jacket, dark blue pants, blue hat, black shoes and a white mask. The investigation is ongoing.

Separately, police are also investigating another report of gunshots fired in the Green Valley neighborhood. The latest incident happened late Friday night.

SHOTS FIRED (late), 2024-01190177, 3600 block of 25th Street S. At approximately 11:57 p.m. on January 19, police were dispatched to the late report of shots heard. Officers spoke with the reporting party by phone who stated approximately 25 minutes prior, she heard what appeared to be multiple shots fired in the area. Officers recovered evidence confirming several shots had been fired and witnesses described observing a vehicle leave the area at a high rate of speed. No victims or property damage were reported. There is no suspect description(s). The investigation is ongoing.

New plans have been filed to redevelop two hotels in Green Valley with apartments.

The project would replace Hotel Pentagon — previously a Best Western that saw some prostitution-related run-ins with law enforcement — and the Comfort Inn Pentagon with a 521-unit, 602,000-square-foot apartment complex.

Both hotels are located at the intersection of 24th Road S. and S. Glebe Road, with I-395, the Lomax AME Zion Church, some auto body shops and two apartment complexes all nearby.

The plans were filed by Capital First Investments and Capital Second Investments, which own the parcels at 2480 S. Glebe Road, and CC Rock Arlington Owner LLC, incorporated in Delaware. The Washington Business Journal first reported the filing, attributed to this LLC, last week.

This LLC is tied to a North Carolina-based developer, Crescent Communities, which also invests in real estate and operates mixed-use communities. It has offices in D.C. as well as outposts in several western and southern states. Reached by ARLnow, the company declined to comment.

In filing this new application, the owners and developer have taken the next step forward in the county site plan application process. ARLnow reported this January that preliminary plans had been filed — an optional step some take to discuss the project with and solicit early feedback from county planners.

The number and mix of units has changed since this early filing, which floated a 467-unit apartment complex and 36 stacked townhouses. The apartment building will have 20 additional units, and there will be four four-story buildings with a total of 34 apartments.

The apartment building will include a mix of 1- and 2-bedroom units, some of which will also have dens, and two 3-bedroom units. The plans call for 580 vehicle parking spots and 222 bicycle parking spots — more than the minimum 546 and 219 spots, respectively, required by zoning codes.

The developer also proposes a series of site upgrades, including “enhanced sidewalk and streetscape design, new landscaping, and activation of the ground-floor façades,” a letter accompanying the application says.

“The proposed development will achieve the goals of the Four Mile Run Area Plan by implementing new residential buildings as well as a variety of site improvements in the Four Mile Run neighborhood,” it continues.

The Green Valley Civic Association has had one meeting with the developer and is still trying to schedule a follow-up, association president Portia Clark tells ARLnow.

“We looked at some of their preliminary plans,” she said. “We also wanted them to meet with the church next door, with the cemetery, which will be very close to the development. There were some issues with the naming. They were going to name it Arlington Ridge and we’re not Arlington Ridge — we’re next to it.”

Clark says she would like to see the plans presented to the community at the civic association’s upcoming January meeting.

Still reeling from recent shootings, a Green Valley resident took the dais during Saturday’s Arlington County Board meeting to ask the county and police for a plan to address public safety concerns.

Yordanos Woldai, co-founder of Green Valley Matters, a new resident group focused on public safety, says this plan should include regular police patrols and stepped up enforcement of illegal activities.

This includes crimes such as drinking alcohol, smoking marijuana, urinating and selling drugs in public around the John Robinson, Jr. Town Square — crimes which she said are largely committed by people who do not live in the neighborhood.

“The illegal activities happen in the open, on a consistent basis, starting in the afternoon when children are walking home from Drew,” she said. “This continued policy of inaction and looking the other way is not only dangerous, but it is inequitable. Nowhere else in Arlington County is a residential neighborhood — within feet of an elementary school — subjected to open and persistent, illegal activities that go unaddressed, except in this mostly Black and brown community.”

Neighbors have been raising these and other quality of life issues for several months. While there have been small fixes, including temporary bathrooms, Woldai says residents have exhausted public engagement methods — signing petitions, attending meetings and sending letters and emails — with little to show for it.

“The lack of enforcement has made our neighborhood attractive to people who want to openly engage in illegal activities without any consequence,” she said, tying these to more serious crimes Green Valley has witnessed.

The neighborhood has logged a number shots fired calls in recent years, including two in the summer of 2021two in 2022 and this year so far, four in 2023. That’s in addition to several shootings, including one on Dec. 9.

It is a nuanced issue but, ultimately, residents want equitable policing that reduces crime and makes their community safer, says Arlington County’s Independent Policing Auditor, Mummi Ibrahim.

She says the county’s Community Oversight Board, which reviews public complaints of officer behavior, can help ensure this happens. Right now, she is focused on understanding what has been done so far.

“In my opinion, the best way a police department can strike this balance is to engage with the community as partners,” Ibrahim said. “This means actively listening and being guided by community in learning what is needed to address the problems, and to continue consulting with the community when determining the police department’s response to ensure police actions are properly measured, effective and equitable.”

Woldai agrees. In a follow up communique to the County Board after her remarks, she stressed the community wants “a middle ground between the current policy of inaction and over-aggressive police tactics,” not “a militarized police state.”

When residents came to the County Board this spring, decrying similar problems, County Manager Mark Schwartz said he would have a few recommendations for new technology, like gunshot detection, by the summer. He said adding patrols would be difficult — given vacancies within ACPD — but remains an option.

Seven months later, Schwartz said ACPD will be adding those patrol officers.

“You should start seeing visible Arlington County police presence, not just a cruiser, I’m talking about police officer or officers on foot starting this coming week,” the County Manager said.

Schwartz said he has also authorized Police Chief Andy Penn to purchase a gunshot detection device. ACPD told ARLnow today that these technologies are being considered across county agencies but none have been purchased yet.

“The Arlington County Police Department remains committed to our key initiatives of crime prevention and control, transportation safety, and community engagement as we continue to work with all stakeholders in the Green Valley community to address public safety concerns and identify solutions,” the department said in a statement.

Schwartz said ACPD will also deploy portable cameras with a license plate reader function around the town square and elsewhere in the neighborhood once the county wraps up their purchase, using $80,000 in closeout funds.


Before and after the Green Valley alley received county improvements (via Arlington County, with text added by ARLnow)

Two years ago, a motorcyclist died in a crash involving a school bus near Drew Elementary School in Green Valley.

A week later later, a car seriously injured a toddler who was playing in the sidewalk intersecting with an alley in Westover.

Following those two crashes, Arlington County embarked on a county-wide look at alleys to identify possible problems, from insufficient signage or markings to degraded road conditions. This year, it made upgrades to around a dozen of the 100 alleys it reviewed.

The 23rd Street S. alley in Green Valley, where witnesses say the motorcyclist exited at a high speed and died trying to avoid hitting a school bus, had parking spaces removed to improve sight distances, Arlington Dept. of Environmental Services spokeswoman Katie O’Brien said.

Meanwhile, the Westover alley at N. Longfellow Street and 15th Road N., near where the toddler was seriously injured, had a “watch for pedestrians” sign added, according to a county map.

Neighbors previously said this alley was frequented by cyclists and pedestrians, including students from nearby schools, but had dangerous blind spots. This included untrimmed hedges, which were cut around the time the toddler returned home from the hospital.

After evaluating sight line obstructions such as foliage, barriers and parked vehicles, and checking for unclear or worn signage and pavement markings, the county made changes to several other alleys.

Alleys in East Falls Church, Ballston and Alcova Heights had pedestrian warning signs added, while faded signage was replaced at a second alley in Alcova Heights.

Parking was repurposed to improve sight lines at an alley in Bluemont while a “no parking” sign was added to a second Green Valley alley where neighbors said parked cars blocked visibility.

Changes were made through general funding since they were small in scale, O’Brien said.

A woman was shot this afternoon in the Green Valley neighborhood.

The shooting happened around 1 p.m., reportedly near the intersection of S. Kemper Road and S. Oxford Street. Photos taken afterward show a crime scene along nearby S. Four Mile Run Drive.

Initial reports suggest that the shots were fired from a silver Honda SUV with Virginia tags and four people inside. The victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries, Arlington County police said, and was taken via ambulance to a local hospital.

The U.S. Park Police helicopter assisted with a search for the suspects but so far there’s no word of any arrests.

Update on 12/10/23 — Arlington County police issued the following press release about the shooting.

The Arlington County Police Department’s Homicide/Robbery Unit is investigating a shooting in the Green Valley neighborhood which occurred on the afternoon of December 9, 2023.

At approximately 1:03 p.m., police were dispatched to the report of a shooting at S. Kemper Road and S. Oxford Street. The preliminary investigation indicates the female victim was a passenger in a vehicle traveling on S. Oxford Street when four suspects approached on foot and discharged firearms, striking the victim and the vehicle. Following the shooting, the driver of the victim vehicle continued to the 4000 block of S. Four Mile Run Drive where officers located them and began rendering aid to the victim. The victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was transported to an area hospital for treatment.

The suspects subsequently fled the area in a silver SUV. The suspects are described as four Black males with skinny builds wearing dark clothing and facial coverings.

This remains an active criminal investigation. Anyone with information or home surveillance that may assist with the investigation is asked to contact the Arlington County Police Department’s Homicide/Robbery Unit at 703-228-4180 or [email protected]. Information may also be reported anonymously through the Arlington County Crime Solvers hotline at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477). For additional community resources and contact information, visit our website.

Update on 12/20/23 — Two arrests have been made, ACPD announced.

Earlier: Gunshots were fired near where a group of children were playing this afternoon in the Green Valley neighborhood.

Multiple 911 callers reported the sound of gunshots shortly before 3:30 p.m. Saturday. One caller heard seven shots, near the 2200 block of Shirlington Road. Others reported seeing a group of men arguing and then running away after the shots.

Arlington County police said around 4:15 p.m. that they’ve found no evidence of injuries or property damage as a result of the gunfire. Officers remain on scene investigating,

A group called Green Valley Matters was holding a children’s soccer game in a park near where the shots were fired. The group was founded to advocate for public safety and community improvement in the neighborhood.

ACPD issued the following press release about the incident on Sunday.

The Arlington County Police Department’s Homicide/Robbery Unit is investigating a shots fired incident which occurred in the Green Valley neighborhood on the afternoon of December 2, 2023.

At approximately 3:25 p.m., police were dispatched to S. Kenmore Street and 23rd Street S. for multiple reports of shots fired. Responding officers canvassed the area and located evidence confirming several shots had been fired. The preliminary investigation indicates approximately six male suspects were walking in the area when they approached a vehicle exiting the parking lot. The vehicle stopped briefly during which at least one suspect discharged a firearm at the vehicle before it fled the scene at a high rate of speed. The suspects ran from the area immediately following the incident and were not located.

The suspect who allegedly discharged the firearm is described as a Black male wearing a black puffy jacket and gray pants. The vehicle involved in the incident is described as a silver Nissan sedan.

No injuries related to the incident were reported and minor damage to a nearby building was located.

This remains an active criminal investigation. Anyone with information or home surveillance that may assist with the investigation is asked to contact the Arlington County Police Department’s Homicide/Robbery Unit at 703-228-4180 or [email protected]. Information may also be reported anonymously through the Arlington County Crime Solvers hotline at 1-866-411-TIPS (8477).

Green Valley has seen a number of shots fired calls over the past few years, including in June 2021, July 2021, August 2022, October 2022, January 2023 and June 2023.

An indoor dog park and bar is set to officially open its doors next month in the former home of New District Brewing.

Snouts & Stouts, located at 2709 S. Oakland Street in Green Valley, has announced it will start serving dogs and their humans on Saturday, Nov. 18.

“We believe that Snouts & Stouts is [complementary] to the existing Shirlington Dog Park and gives the community one place where they can have the best of both worlds with a massive outdoor dog park, and the option of an indoor dog park & bar,” Founder and CEO Daniel Ramos said in a press release.

The opening next month is a few months behind the initial plans Ramos announced to open this August.

The 6,000 square-foot climate-controlled dog park and bar includes a beer and wine bar, snack cafe, specialized turf, dog treat shop, dog daycare, boarding and training, according to the website.

Additionally, staff — nicknamed the “Dog Patrol” — will roam the area to ensure it stays clean and that dogs are playing well and staying hydrated.

“This way you can relax and grab a drink,” the website says.

Although it is advertised as the “only indoor dog park and bar in Northern Virginia,” there is another indoor dog park and bar in Alexandria called Barkhaus.

“While others have tried to create an indoor dog park in the area, you often see that their ‘indoor’ section is reduced to a small room where not many dogs can play off-leash,” Ramos said in the release.

While humans 18 and older can enter for free, dogs need a membership or day pass. An annual membership is $365 for the first dog and $120 for each additional dog. A monthly membership option is also available at $45 for the first dog and $13 for any additional dogs. Limited-time discounts on memberships are currently available.

Day passes run at $10 on weekdays and $15 on weekends. Any additional dog is an extra $5, regardless of the day.

Before entering, dog owners must show proof of up-to-date vaccinations, and dogs older than one year must be spayed or neutered. Pups younger than 16 weeks won’t be allowed.

Dog daycare and boarding are only available during the week. Below are the hours of operation, according to the website:

  • Monday – Thursday:
    • 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Dog Daycare & Boarding
    • 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM Bar & Public Playtime
  • Friday:
    • 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM Dog Daycare & Boarding
    • 5:00 PM – 10:00 PM Bar & Public Playtime
  • Saturday:
    • 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM Bar & Public Playtime
  • Sunday:
    • 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Bar & Public Playtime

Before launching Snouts & Stouts, Ramos ran a marketing consulting firm and worked in data analytics, according to his LinkedIn. In the release, Ramos said he was inspired to open a dog park after becoming frustrated at the lack of indoor spaces for his dog, Cooper, to play in the area.

“I also always hate leaving my dog at home when I want to go out and get drinks with friends, so I put those two activities together and BOOM… Snouts & Stouts was born,” he said in an Instagram post in June. “This is truly a dream come true for me and I can’t wait to share my dream with the community!”

Police car at night (file photo courtesy Kevin Wolf)

Arlington County police are investigating a pair of armed robberies over the weekend.

One happened Friday night in the Crystal City area, about a block from the Metro station, while the other happened early Sunday morning in Lyon Park.

From the latest ACPD crime report:

ROBBERY, 2023-10210255, 500 block of 18th Street S. At approximately 10:17 p.m. on October 21, police were dispatched to the report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival, it was determined the victims were walking in the area when they were approached by the two unknown male suspects during which the suspects brandished a firearm and demanded their belongings. The suspects stole one victim’s purse before fleeing the scene on foot. A lookout was broadcast and officers canvassed the area for the suspects yielding negative results.  During the course of the investigation, the victim’s belongings were recovered in the area. Suspect One is described as a skinny-build Black male, approximately 5’8” with short dreadlocks wearing all dark clothing. Suspect Two is described as a heavy-set Black male, approximately 5’8” wearing a ski mask and dark clothing. No injuries were reported. The investigation is ongoing.

ROBBERY, 2023-10220053, N. Barton Street at 9th Street N. At approximately 4:40 a.m. on October 22, police were dispatched to the report of an armed robbery. Upon arrival, it was determined the male victim was walking in the area when four unknown male suspects exited the suspect vehicle, two suspects brandished firearms and demanded the victim’s belongings. The suspects stole the victim’s cellphone, wallet and keys before reentering the suspect vehicle and fleeing the area. No injuries were reported.

Also in the crime report, a 37-year-old Arlington woman has been arrested after allegedly slashing a man with a knife during a dispute.

The incident happened Saturday night in the Glencarlyn neighborhood. Police say the man suffered serious injuries.

MALICIOUS WOUNDING, 2023-10210197, 300 block of S. Illinois Street. At approximately 7:07 p.m. on October 21, police were dispatched to the report of an assault with a weapon. Upon arrival, it was determined the male victim and female suspect were involved in a verbal dispute during which the suspect allegedly brandished a knife and struck the victim, causing a laceration. Responding officers located the suspect and victim in the area of 5th Road S. and S. Kensington Street and immediately rendered medical aid to the victim. Medics transported the victim to an area hospital with serious, non-life threatening injuries. [The suspect], 37, of Arlington, Va. was arrested and charged with Malicious Wounding.

Additionally, police are investigating gunshots early Monday morning in the Green Valley neighborhood. One local resident had a bullet go through the window of their home.

MISSILE INTO AN OCCUPIED DWELLING, 2023-10230013, 2200 block of S. Garfield Street. At approximately 12:50 a.m. on October 23, police were dispatched to the report of a shots heard. Upon arrival, it was determined at approximately 12:30 a.m., the victim was inside his residence when he was awoken to noise and upon further investigation, observed a broken window with an apparent bullet hole. Responding officers canvassed the area, recovered evidence confirming shots had been fired in the area and located a vehicle with property damage. No injuries were reported. There is no suspect description. The investigation is ongoing.

Demolition of the old Inner Ear Studios in Green Valley is expected to start this month, after some delays.

This project was delayed after the discovery of unforeseen structural conditions with the adjoining building,” Arlington Dept. of Environmental Services Public Engagement Specialist Alyson Jordan Tomaszewski told ARLnow.

“After modifying the construction plans, we are now expecting demolition to start later this month and conclude in spring 2024,” she continued, noting that the issues were discovered in May.

Arlington County acquired the nearly 70-year-old warehouse and building at 2700 S. Nelson and 2701 S. Oakland streets — once the epicenter of the D.C. punk scene — in late 2021.

Deeming the building structurally unsound, the county decided to demolish it and build a flexible open space for arts programming. It aims to create an arts and industry district in Green Valley and make the arts more accessible in south Arlington.

The county approved a contract for demolition work last December and, at the time, work was expected to take 180 days and wrap up this summer. The surprise structural conditions have delayed the timeline several months and depleted the contingency budget down to $15,700, per a county report.

This weekend, the Arlington County Board is set to approve a $100,000 contract increase to cover “unforeseen conditions that are likely to be revealed” during the remaining work, the report says.

“Previously authorized contingency has been expended to implement structural modifications that were required due to unknown structural connections with adjoining buildings,” the report says. “The structural modifications have been resolved and demolition of the building is proceeding.”

If approved, the new funds will bring the total contract with Demolition Services, Inc. to nearly $547,750. Even with the contract increase, the overall budget for this project remains unchanged at $1,136,633, the report says.

Meantime, this August, the county released the final design plans for the new, temporary art space. It will be nestled among the Arlington Food Assistance Center and the Arlington Cultural Affairs building — now home to an outpost of Arlington Independent Media — and across from Jennie Dean Park.

A project webpage projects the space will be installed and open in 2024.

The designs take inspiration from Inner Ear Studios and nearby Four Mile Run, according to a video.

A plywood drum riser salvaged from Inner Ear Studios will sit atop a small outdoor stage, which has as a backdrop the corner of a wall saved from the original building.

“This small performance area serves as a monument to the creativity of the hundreds of local and national bands that recorded on this site from 1990 to 2021,” the video says. “Through a public workshop the wall will be decorated with wheatpasted print media including historical and cultural contributions from local communities and reprinted album covers from records recorded here.”

Thin blue and teal lines will criss-cross the pavement, evoking “a flowing river,” while string lights will serve as “gateways into the space,” the video says.

Lawns on either side of the small, Inner Ear-inspired stage will have outdoor sculptures and a mobile stage with a screen for movie projections. Planted berms and concrete blocks will provide a seating while a pergola will double as a shade structure and outdoor art gallery.

Inner Ear Studios has since relocated to the basement of owner Don Zientara’s Arlington house.

Water main repairs underway on Shirlington Road

Repairs are underway along Shirlington Road after a large water main break early this morning.

A 12-inch main broke overnight in front of the Weenie Beenie restaurant, near the border of the Shirlington and Green Valley neighborhoods.

Arlington’s Dept. of Environmental Services says repairs are expected to take until 5 p.m. today and “some 150 customers could be affected” by the break.

Shirlington Road is closed in both directions between S. Arlington Mill Drive and S. Four Mile Run Drive.

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