At the County Board’s New Years meeting in January, new Board Chairman Mary Hynes announced a new initiative called PLACE, which stands for Participation, Leadership and Civic Engagement.

The initiative has resulted in weekly “open door” meetings with County Board members, civic engagement training for county staff members, and the new PLACE Space “community networking” web site.

PLACE Space allows Arlington residents to engage in online conversations about community issues and to join “circles” for specific neighborhoods or interests. There’s a circle for cyclists, hikers, church-goers, and even for “fig aficionados.”

In the video above, the county’s television channel takes a look at progress on the PLACE initiative so far.

W-L Softball Field Price Tag Increases — The anticipated cost of a new softball field for Washington-Lee High School has increased from $1 million to $1.3 million, after contractor bids came in above expectations. [Sun Gazette]

APS Students Excel on Math Tests — Arlington students have performed significantly better on state mathematics tests than other Virginia students, across all grade levels. “These results reflect the hard work done in the past year by students to master the new, more challenging mathematics standards,” said Superintendent Dr. Patrick Murphy. “We credit students and teachers for their abilities to meet the higher expectations set by the new standards.” [Arlington Public Schools]

County Gov’t Launches New WebsiteUpdated at 10:30 a.m. — Arlington County has launched “PLACE Space,” a new “community networking” website. “PLACE Space grew out of the County Board’s Participation, Leadership and Civic Engagement (PLACE) initiative, launched in January 2012,” according to the county. “The aim of the site, which is currently in beta, is to act as a virtual town square, to foster conversation about shared issues, and to connect people, organizations and businesses from all over Arlington.” [PLACE Space]

What is the “Arlington Way,” exactly?

It’s essentially an open conversation between the local government and the people who live and work in Arlington. But the Arlington Way can mean different things to different people, as the video above seems to prove.

Last month, under the leadership of County Board Chair Mary Hynes, Arlington held launch events for the PLACE (Participation, Leadership and Civic Engagement) initiative. PLACE is Hynes’ effort to “refresh and reinvigorate” the Arlington Way.

The video above was created as part of the PLACE launch events by the Arlington Virginia Network, the county’s cable TV channel.