Voter turnout was low for Tuesday’s special election to secure a state delegate for the 45th District, but Democrat Rob Krupicka’s high numbers led him to victory.

Krupicka walked away with 75.7 percent of the votes. His closest competitor, Republican Tim McGhee, brought in 20.6 percent, followed by Libertarian Justin Malkin with 3.4 percent.

“Today was a victory for our community. It was a victory for everyone who believes that we should move forward together,” Krupicka posted on Twitter last night. “Thank you to everyone (and there are lots of you) who made this victory possible.”

Krupicka fills the spot vacated by Del. David Englin (D), who resigned earlier this year following his admission of marital infidelity. Englin’s official last day was last Friday, August 31. His website now shows a message directing people to Krupicka’s site.

The 45th District largely covers Alexandria, but also includes about 13,000 voters from southeast Arlington. Of the nearly 55,000 total active voters, a mere 15 percent showed up to cast ballots. 1,351 of them were from Arlington.

Last year, Adam Ebbin (D) defeated Krupicka in the state Senate Democratic primary for the 30th District. Ebbin went on to win against McGhee in the general election.

There is now a little more than a year remaining in Krupicka’s term.

Krupicka Wins Dem Caucus — Alexandria City Councilman Rob Krupicka has won the Democratic caucus for the 45th District House of Delegrates seat, which represents some parts of South Arlington. Krupicka defeated opponent Karen Gautney by a caucus vote of 1,540 to 891. He will now face Republican Tim McGhee in the Nov. 6 general election. [Patch]

County Gets New Coach Bus for Seniors — The Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation has invested in a new 41-seat coach-style bus. The bus will be used for the department’s travel programs for adults 55 and over. [Sun Gazette]

History of the Twilight Tattoo — There are just 4 Twilight Tattoo performances left this summer at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall. An article about the history of the military tradition notes that its origins date back more than 300 years. The next Twilight Tattoo will take place Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. [U.S. Army]

Photo via @Rosy1280

Close Call at Reagan National — Three commuter jets nearly collided at Reagan National Airport on Tuesday afternoon due to a communications failure among air traffic control personnel. The planes were about 12 seconds away from a collision when a tower controller corrected her mistake. [Washington Post]

Ebbin Endorses Krupicka — State Sen. Adam Ebbin (D) has endorsed Alexandria Councilman Rob Krupicka (D) in the Sept. 4 special election to fill Del. David Englin’s former 45th District House of Delegates Seat. “[Krupicka] has been a steadfast ally in the fight for true equality, world-class education system, a cleaner environment, smart transportation solutions, and innovative policies that keep our economy strong,” Ebbin said.

Kaine to Visit Arlington Business Today — Democratic U.S. Senate candidate and former Virginia governor Tim Kaine will be visiting Clarendon-based business GridPoint this afternoon. Kaine, who will be joined by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), will highlight his “Strengthening Our Economy Through Energy Innovation” plan.

Extreme Weather on the Rise in Va.? — Extreme downpours and snowstorms are happening 33 percent more frequently in Virginia compared to 65 years ago, according to a new report by Environment Virginia. The group says the finding supports the idea that global warming is changing weather patterns. “We need to heed scientists’ warnings that this dangerous trend is linked to global warming, and do everything we can to cut carbon pollution today,” said Environment Virginia Field Organizer Laura Kate Anderson. [Environment Virginia]

Alexandria City Councilman Rob Krupicka has officially announced his candidacy for the 45th District House of Delegates seat.

Krupicka is seeking to replace Del. David Englin, who submitted his resignation last week. In a press release, Krupicka — who ran unsuccessfully for state Senate last year — said he’s running “to ensure that we continue to have a progressive voice in Richmond.”

Krupicka’s campaign also released a list of endorsements, which includes much of the local Democratic establishment. Krupicka is expected to face Karen Gautney — the former chairwoman of the Alexandria Commission on Human Rights, whom Englin has endorsed — in an upcoming special election. Arlington School Board Member James Lander has also announced his intention to run for the 45th District seat, which includes parts of south Arlington.

The following press release was issued by the Krupicka campaign yesterday afternoon.

Today, Rob Krupicka officially announced his entrance into the race for the Democratic nomination in the 45th House of Delegates District.

“I am running for the House of Delegates to ensure that we continue to have a progressive voice in Richmond. My experience means that I will be ready to hit the ground running on day one. With two girls in school, and as a member of the State Board of Education, I will make our children’s education my top priority. As I’ve done for the last ten years, I will work for smart environmental and transportation solutions that create jobs and conserve our natural resources, and I will fight against the right-wing extremism that has rolled back women’s rights and true equality for every Virginian. We can’t move our state forward when others are trying to tear us apart.

“As a graduate of the University of Virginia, and someone who has worked to increase the number of students ready to succeed in college, I will work to make sure our public higher education system is transparent, affordable and accessible for every resident of the Commonwealth.”

“I am honored to have the support of state and local leaders as we start this campaign. I look forward to working alongside them to deliver the progressive leadership and real results that the people of the 45th district, and of Virginia, deserve.”

Rob Krupicka lives in Alexandria’s Del Ray neighborhood with his wife Lisa and two daughters, Gillian and Janelle. He has been an active member of the community since moving to the area in 1993. He is the past president of the Del Ray Citizens Association, founder and co-chair of the Eco-City Alexandria Green Initiative, three-term member of the Alexandria City Council and currently serves as one of Governor Kaine’s appointees to the State Board of Education.

The 45th House of Delegates District covers the east end of the City of Alexandria, parts of South Arlington and Southern Fairfax counties and has been represented for the last seven years by Delegate David Englin who announced his resignation last week.

A partial list of Krupicka’s endorsements, after the jump.


Aftershock Felt Across Region — A 4.5 magnitude aftershock jolted some residents out of bed just after 1:00 last night. The epicenter of the aftershock was five miles south of Mineral, Virginia, epicenter of Tuesday’s 5.8 magnitude quake. [U.S. Geological Survey]

Arlington Was Krupicka’s Waterloo — In the three-way primary battle for the 30th District state Senate seat, Alexandria City Councilman Rob Krupicka picked up nearly half of the vote in his hometown. But he garnered a measly 14 percent of the vote in Arlington, allowing Del. Adam Ebbin to press his local advantage and claim victory. “Ignore Arlington at your peril,” says the Sun Gazette. Meanwhile, Krupicka says his political career may be over. [Sun Gazette, Del Ray Patch]

Design Proposal for Ft. Myer Heights Playground — The design for a new playground in Ft. Myer Heights includes “nature-themed playground apparatuses,” “two picnic tables and a barbecue” and “a sand play area with a non-potable water pump.” [Ode Street Tribune]

Earlier this week, we asked the three Democratic candidates for the 30th District state Senate seat to write a sub-750 word essay on why the district’s residents should vote for them on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

Here is the unedited response from Rob Krupicka:

My name is Rob Krupicka, and I started this campaign with the simple idea that we need new ideas in Richmond. I’m tired of the politics of blame that we see everyday in Washington D.C. I’m tired of the same old finger pointing and partisan bickering that takes us backwards. I’m running for Senate because Northern Virginia deserves a leader who will reject the politics of blame, and work tirelessly to produce results.

I’m a husband, father of two daughters, lifelong Democrat and this race is deeply personal to me. I grew up in a single-parent home and was born to a teenage mother who often struggled to support my sisters and me. From my earliest years, it was impressed upon me how important hard work and education are to a person’s future. No matter where people start in life, they should have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. I’ve made this principle the foundation of my public service, whether it’s my involvement in public education or my work to build a more sustainable, healthier community.

I believe it is the responsibility of individuals who are committed to a cause to stand up for it. This passion for progressive ideals is what spurred me to run for office. It has been my honor to serve on State Board of Education since 2009 and the Alexandria City Council since 2003, where I am proud of the work we have done to protect funding for our schools, to make our community more environmentally sustainable, and to find forward thinking solutions to our very real transportation problems.

In Richmond, I will work to make Virginia the best state in the country to get an education. I will give local governments the tools they need to invest in cleaner, greener technology in order to protect our environment. I will stand up for our men and women in uniform, and see that they have the support they deserve. I will fight for progressive tax reform, and true equality for everyone regardless of gender, race or sexual orientation.

I have proposed a series of new ideas throughout this campaign that ranges from the expansion of access to Pre-K programs across the state, to the creation of high capacity transit corridors that get cars off our roadways. I have laid out a vision of what I will do as Senator, and while I know that not everyone will agree with me on everything, there will be never be a question about where I stand.

I started my political career at the neighborhood level, and it is that on the ground experience working to solve problems that I want to take to Richmond. I know that if you bring people together and put in the time to work through a problem, there is no limit to what you can accomplish. I want to go to Richmond to do big things, and put in the work necessary to tackle the problems our region faces. I will always fight to protect and improve the quality of life of our communities, and I would be honored to have your support on August 23rd.

Krupicka Uses Marine in Mailer — State Senate candidate Rob Krupicka has gotten the attention of a conservative web site for printing an endorsement from a Marine sergeant, along with a photo of him in uniform, on a campaign mailer. If the Marine is on active duty, such an endorsement would violate military guidelines. The Sun Gazette’s Scott McCaffrey also points out that Krupicka’s mailer also makes reference to supporting “soldiers and their families” — which would refer to members of the Army but not the Marine Corps. Krupicka, an Alexandria city councilman, is facing off against Arlington School Board Chair Libby Garvey and Del. Adam Ebbin in the Democratic primary. [Sun Gazette]

Medical Care By Lottery — Every month, the Arlington Free Clinic holds a lottery to see who will receive medical care. With demand for care exceeding supply, this month only 25 people were selected out of a pool of 140. [WAMU]

Ballston Farmers Market Starts This Week — The Ballston Farmers Market will hold its season grand opening this Thursday. The market is free and held every Thursday (until October) from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Wellburn Square, between N. Stuart and N. 9th Streets.

Alexandria City Councilman Rob Krupicka has out-raised his two Democratic opponents in the race for the 30th District state Senate seat.

As of March 31, Krupicka had raised $101,143. That places him well ahead of Del. Adam Ebbin, who has raised $72,989, and Arlington School Board Chair Libby Garvey, who has raised $55,720.

Krupicka’s biggest donor is businessman Robert Henry Duggar, who contributed $5,000 to his campaign. Ebbin’s biggest donor is the pro-immigrant-rights Laborers’ International Union of North America, which also contributed $5,000. Garvey’s biggest donor is the campaign fund of Sen. Patsy Ticer, who is retiring after 16 years of representing the 30th District. Ticer for Virginia Senate has contributed $10,000 to Garvey’s campaign.

On the Republican side, Alexandria businessman Michael Maibach appears to be gearing up for a run (see below). Maibach told us he was thinking about entering the race, but so far hasn’t formally announced his candidacy. Nonetheless, “Mike Maibach for Senate” has $10,000 cash on hand after floating a large campaign loan. Meanwhile, a web site — — is currently under construction.

The 30th District currently includes much of South Arlington, as well as most of Alexandria and a portion of Fairfax County, although state legislators are still in the process of drawing new district boundaries. See the fundraising totals for local House of Delegates races on the Blue Virginia blog.

Update at 3:50 p.m. — Maibach says he is no longer planning on running, but notes that he has not made a final decision on the matter.

“As of right now my intention is not to be a candidate,” he told “I’m hoping the party will find somebody else.”

There are two more endorsements to report in the three-way Democratic primary race for the 30th District state Senate seat.

Democratic congressman Gerry Connolly endorsed Alexandria City Councilman Rob Krupicka over the weekend.

“Rob is an exceptionally qualified candidate, and will make an excellent addition to our region’s delegation in Richmond,” Connolly said. “Coming from local government myself, I know Rob’s service on the Alexandria City Council will be an incredible asset in the State Senate.”

Meanwhile former Rep. Leslie Byrne — the first woman to serve in Congress from Virginia — announced her endorsement of Del. Adam Ebbin today.

“Adam represents the progressive leadership this Senate District deserves,” she said in a statement. “I am proud to endorse him.”

Byrne served one term in the 11th District House seat that is currently held by Connolly.

Interviewed today by, Rep. Jim Moran said he did not anticipate taking sides in the primary between Krupicka, Ebbin and Arlington School Board Chair Libby Garvey.

“I don’t think I’m going to,” he said. “They’re all friends.”

“I’m of course going to support whoever wins the primary,” Moran added.

Arlington to Receive 9/11 Pentagon Stone –– On Thursday, Arlington will be presented with a piece of Pentagon limestone that was damaged on Sept. 11, 2001. The 800-pound stone, brought here from Indiana in the early 1940s while the Pentagon was being built, was part of the building’s west facade when it was struck by American Airlines Flight 77. The military is presenting stones to the Arlington County Fire Department, the New York City Fire Department and the FBI Washington Field Office in advance of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. [Arlington County]

USS Arlington to be Christened — The christening of the new USS Arlington is scheduled for Saturday morning in Pascagoula, Miss. The Arlington an amphibious transport dock ship intended for use in modern expeditionary combat situations. It is the sister ship to the USS New York and the USS Somerset. County Manager Barbara Donnellan, Fire Chief James Schwartz and other Arlington officials are expected to attend the ceremony. [Sun Gazette]

Krupicka Picks Up More Alexandria Endorsements — Alexandria City Councilman Rob Krupicka (D) has picked up more endorsements in his run for the 30th District state Senate race. Alexandria Commonwealth’s Attorney Randy Sengel and Alexandria Sheriff Dana Lawhorne both announced their endorsements yesterday. Previously, Krupicka picked up up the endorsements of Alexandria’s mayor and its former city manager. Meanwhile, Del. Adam Ebbin (D) officially launched his campaign for the 30th District seat on Sunday at the Alexandria Black History Museum.

Annual Water Change Underway — Don’t be surprised if your tap water tastes a bit funny. The local water authority is making its seasonal switch of disinfectants from chloramine to chlorine. [Washington Post]

Mud is already flying in the three-way race for a local Democratic state Senate nomination.

Yesterday Arlington School Board Chair Libby Garvey sent out an email blasting opponent Rob Krupicka, an Alexandria City Council member, for the Council’s stance on the relocation of thousands of military jobs to the Mark Center development on I-395. In a letter dated August 13, 2008, posted on Garvey’s web site, an Alexandria official writes that the Council supports what was then still a proposal for the military to use the Mark Center site.

Garvey argues that the lack of Metro accessibility and the likelihood of traffic congestion at the site makes for “a terrible situation.”

“I join with Sen. Webb, Sen. Warner, Rep. Moran and Rep. Connolly in their request to the Defense Department that they delay fully staffing the [Mark Center] facility until traffic mitigation efforts are completed,” Garvey wrote. She then pounced on Kupricka.

“I believe strongly that we should judge public officials by the decisions they make,” she said. “In this case, Rob Krupicka, one of my opponents for the Senate seat currently held by Patsy Ticer, made a terrible decision by giving the DOD a green light to locate the BRAC building at the Mark Center site. His candidacy for the Virginia Senate, like that of all of us running for that important position, should be evaluated according to the quality of our decisions.”

Garvey, Krupicka and Del. Adam Ebbin are running for Ticer’s 30th District state Senate seat.

Krupicka responded with an email of his own, accusing Garvey of “distorting” his “record of leadership on transit and transportation for our community.” The email’s subject line: “Today this race got nasty.”

“This is a race between three good Democrats,” Krupicka wrote. “We’ve worked together over the years, and I’ve considered both opponents friends. So I’m disappointed that Libby decided to go negative.”

The email concludes with a call to action: “P.S. Let’s not let mudslinging stop us from making our community stronger. Can you contribute $25, $50, $100 or $250 today to help us bring new ideas to move us forward today?”